Taxonomy Management

Empowering seamless taxonomy management including attributes and multiple hierarchies, along with catalog sync.

Intuitive Taxonomy Editing

Our user-friendly interface enables easy and intuitive editing of your product taxonomy. Add, modify, or remove nodes, categories, relations and attributes with just a few clicks.

Multiple Version Support

Maintain multiple versions of your taxonomy and seamlessly switch between them. Keep historical records, compare changes, and make informed decisions.

Hierarchical Flexibility

Enjoy the freedom to create and manage different hierarchies within the same taxonomy. Tailor your taxonomy to specific regions, audiences, or product lines.

Collaborative Workflows

Facilitate collaboration among team members involved in taxonomy management. Assign roles and permissions to ensure secure and efficient teamwork.
Dashboard mockup
The dataX advantage

Why choose us?

Tailored Taxonomy Structure
Customize your taxonomy to align with your business goals, making it easier for customers to find products and enhancing the overall ecommerce experience.
Enhanced Data Consistency
Centralized taxonomy management reduces errors and ensures consistent product categorization across different channels and systems.
Time and Resource Savings
This tool streamlines the editing process with an intuitive user interface providing flexible and configurable options, saving time and resources for your team to focus on strategic tasks.
Improved Decision Making
Analyze the impact of taxonomy changes before syncing to catalog. Data-driven impact scores enable you to make informed decisions and avoid potential disruptions.

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