Keep your taxonomy and catalog always in sync

Your ERP and product catalog data always, in sync
Photo by Aleks Dorohovich on Unsplash
Use Cases
Taxonomy-Catalog Sync

The Challenge: Expanding catalogs and changing taxonomies

As catalogs grow, taxonomies become more complex, sometimes even unwieldy, and need to be managed. There could be a scenario where you need to merge a couple of nodes because they don’t have enough SKUs, and it makes more sense to have them categorized as a single product type. Or, you may want to add new nodes because you are supporting new categories that you weren't using earlier. Over time, multiple additions and deletions may leave you with duplicate nodes, nodes without SKUs, and too many categories that overlap, so how do you even categorize a new SKU, and where do you go looking for duplicates?

The Solution: Advanced tools to manage taxonomy and sync to source

As a first step, dataX modules will audit your taxonomy. This involves removing any ambiguities, duplicate nodes as well as identifying new nodes that need to be added based on your product catalog. Once this is done, we will upload the taxonomy with the suggested changes to our Taxonomy Management tool for you to review and make further edits as necessary. These edits are not limited to hierarchy but extend to attribute properties as well.

Once your taxonomy is in good shape, you can see the impact of these changes on the catalog. Did the tree structure change? Were there changes to attributes? Were any categories added or deleted? Our Impact Analysis tool assesses these changes and gives you a count of the number of SKUs that are going to be affected in the catalog.

Following this, you can use the Auto-Classification tool to classify all your SKUs into the right categories, as per your latest taxonomy.

Use these self-help tools as frequently as you need to keep your taxonomy and catalog perfectly in sync.

The dataX Advantage

Digital commerce participants such as distributors, manufacturers, retailers and suppliers can manage their taxonomy as it evolves, never having to worry about the resources required to carry out a catalog update. This is an ideal combination of intelligent automation and human expertise to keep your catalog in top condition at all times.

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