Meet our team

We’re fun, we’re serious, and we get the job done. Spread across the US, India and Japan, we are a team of dedicated engineers, data scientists, analysts and listeners who enjoy getting the best out of data.
Interested in being part of dataX? Write to us at
Divyabh Mishra
Amit Nagpal
Joy Dutta
VP - Finance
Mohan Singh
Director - Data Science
Derek Sewell
Director - Strategic Accounts
Veena Prasad
Director - Content & Communications
Washim Qureshi
Associate Director - Solutions
Amit Kumar Singh
Product Manager
Venkatraman Iyer
Senior Manager - Solutions
Christy Deva Manohar
Senior Product Designer
Abdul Azeez
Manager - Operations
Prathamesh Pachpatil
Manager - Data Science
Krishnamani R K
Manager - Solutions
Mayuri Jha
Lead Software Engineer
Pramath Kumar Mishra
Senior Data Scientist
Md Mahtab Alam Quraishi
Jonathan Mahan
Business Development Manager
John Millen
Client Success Manager